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This is what our Hunting 101 students have to say about this unique class...


Lots of practical tips for a novice hunter and these are areas that could be intimidating to a beginner ("okay, now that I've shot this deer, now what do I do with it!") The section on equipment and clothing was really great too, because I believe it would be very easy for a novice to go into his first hunting experience unprepared and end up having a miserable experience (cold and wet!). Also, I knew that deer had a keen sense of smell but really didn't know the practical aspects. My son Dan and I really enjoyed taking the class together!

 Steve-Falls Church, VA


Rounton's farm setting and real experience for this course were amazing.  Rob stepped us through everything from the kill, to tracking blood, field dressing, skinning and cleaning to tree stand installation.  We even had venison sausage in the morning while in a true country kitchen style farm house setting.  Great people and wonderful hands on educators. They know their stuff ! 

Tom- Rapidan, VA


I had been vegetarian for two years before I went on the Hunting 101 course, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to eat fresh, "locally sourced" venison from the Rounton Farm woods. Rob will show you everything you need to know to become a true localvore, from clothes and equipment to skinning and even cooking, in a beautiful country farm setting. Head down to the farm, grab your rifle, catch your food and cook it that night! What could be better?

Andrew-Arlington, VA